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When love and Hate Collide.
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009 6:02 PM

Oh man.
So this morning I walked outside to get into my car with out a jacket on, I basically froze my butt off. So I ran inside, grabbed a jacket and walked out to my car. I sat in my car for 10 minutes while it defrosted. Almost late to school. Eww. Hah. I was driving to school, and Mike and his mom were behind me. I really wanted to stop for hot chocolate on my way to school, but I didn't have money. Urgg.
School was really boring, nothing great happened. I did catch a bunch of skittles in my mouth after throwing them in the air. It's a skill. :)
Talent Show. Auditions are tomorrow for sure, but I'm trying to see if they will be on Friday too. I am pretty sure I'm going to sing "Not Ready To Make Nice" but if not, I will probably go with "More Like Her".
I got new strings on my guitar yesterday. Pretty exciting. Lol.
I was watching Dirty Jobs last night, and Mike was working with an old lady, and honestly, this old woman...was the greatest thing ever. She was hilarious. She'd be a good grandmother. Hah.
I also watched Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins. Freaking funny movie. I knew what the ending was going to be, but it was still great. Hah.
I got a B- on my Chemistry test. Kind of pissed. But oh well. Hah.

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