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Everytime she brings it up.
Monday, Feb. 16, 2009 6:46 PM

Loving Chinese food.
Today wasn't that great. It was a day off, so I watched The Breakfast Club. Great movie. :)
Today was my last day to get to sleep in for a while, and I screwed it up by waking up at 10. What was I thinking?
Anyways, I need to get a job, and starting tomorrow, I'm going to go out and get one. I would've done it today, but everywhere was pretty much closed for President's Day. Haha. Plus, the only car that was here was my dad's Shelby GT Mustang, and in no way shape or form was I going to take that out.
It's been raining pretty consistently out here and I am loving it.
Makes me wish I would move to Forks, Washington because apparently, it rains a lot there.
I've decided that I am going to fail Chemistry because I'm to much of a chicken to ask questions about our projects. It's really not my fault. I've only been in the class for a couple of weeks, compared to everyone else who has been in there for months. I'm usually quite capable of asking questions, but just in this class...it's a no go. Since it is Chemistry and all, if you don't understand one chapter, you're screwed for the rest of the year, because it all builds up. What ever shall I do.
I went to the store today and stocked up on all the cheap Valentine's stuff that is on sale because that is how I do! Haha.
I really, don't want to go back to school tomorrow. Not one bit. But I have to. Ewww.

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