Welcome To Insanity.

The greatest day of my life.
Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009 5:13 PM

Last night, I texted Jacob and asked when we were going to get together, he replied saying, "I really want to, but I am just so busy. I honestly think I can next week though." And then I replied to that this morning saying, "haha. Okay."
&& this was the rest of out conversation. * mark my thoughts.
J-So when did you get your license?
Me-December. It's the greatest thing ever. Why were you at Paloma yesterday?
J-Isn;t it? Hah, I was just visiting.
M-Yeah, it's the best now that I don't have to hear my mom yell at me every time I do something wrong.
J-Ha. I agree. lol.
M-How is Heritage treating you?
J-Great. I shlove it.
M-You shlove it?
J-Yep. Ha.
M-Well, Paloma is lame. I had to park in the staff parking lot today.
M-Because there was so much traffic I was going to be late if I waited.
J-So what's new with you?
M-Not much. Sitting in History class. You?
J-Sitting in English. So how are the boys treating you?
M-Fine. This guy that I used to date won't leave me alone, but whatever.
J-Haha. Oh yeah, Stalkers are always fun.
*I laughed at the point thinking he was talking about me yesterday!
M-Hah. Oh yeah. So how are the girls treating you?
J-Ha, ehh. Not super. Just can't find what I'm looking for, you know?
M-At least we are still young though. :)
J-Yeah, Do you like anyone right now?
*Omg, are you kidding me? Why does he always need to know this?
M-Not really. You?
J-Kinda the same. I developed a little crush for someone though.
M-I hope that works out for you.
J-It's more up to her old feelings for me than what I can do.
*I literally had a heart attack when I read this. Mind you, I was in history class, and couldn't scream, but I sure felt like it.
M-Well, maybe those feelings are still there but she doesn't want to get hurt again.
J-Maybe, but I would do my best to never hurt her again.
*I almost cried when I read this.
M-Then you should tell her. She might feel the same way.
J-Yeah, I will. Thanks.
*I felt so bad right here because I thought he wasn't talking about me anymore.
M-Your welcome. So who is it?
J-I don't want to say yet.
M-Why not?
J-Just cus. Lol.
M-Do I know her?
J-I'd think so. Lol.
M-Well, then why won't you tell me?
J-Nah. You'll know when I ask her.
*Started jumping up and down again.
M-When do you plan on asking her?
J-Idk. I would rather be with her when I ask. I don't want to ask her through the phone.
*Holy Fucking shit! I was losing control.
M-Yeah, that's better. When are you going to see her next?
J-Yeah, next weekend hopefully.
*I was tripping balls at this part! I was going insane.
M-Well, I hope you can meet with her. So what class are you in?

And the conversation continued until the beginning of fifth. That was the longest conversation I've ever had with him. Lasting from 7 in the morning, to around noon.
I don't even know how to describe how I'm feeling right now.
I just really hope it is about me, because I basically over-analyzed every thing he wrote. At first, I thought he was talking about the last girl that he dated, and then I thought it was about my friend that used to like him.

I just really, really, hope that it's about me.
Wish me luck? Lol

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