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I was tripping balls.
Friday, Feb. 20, 2009 6:08 PM

So he texted me 20 minutes ago. :)
I guess my message this morning didn't send properly.
I feel much better.
I went to Jenkins class today and told him all about it.
"So you know how everyday I have some sort of drama?" I asked.
"Yes, what is it this time?" he said.
"Well, it's not a drama at all! I had the best day of my life yesterday!" I said.
"What's the name of the guy who smiled at you?" he said all sarcastically.
"It was more than smile at me!" I screamed.
"I knew it was a guy! I told you, did I not tell you?" he said to the other kid in the room.
"Haha, It was great."
Then I told him the whole story of the 17 hours and the messages sent back and forth yesterday.
I am really, really happy. But I still don't even know for sure if he is talking about me or not, so I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up, but it's not working, cause I'm a girl. Lol.
Anyways. We are trying to get together on Monday.

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