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Just a Girl Born In Dixie.
Monday, Feb. 23, 2009 5:08 PM

So I am beyond thinking.
It seems like all day he has been on my mind. I talked to my friend Jessica and she said, "You are telling me that you won't go out with this guy that you have liked since 8th grade because your afraid?" I realized how dumb I am. I'm just going to do it. It could end up being great, and amazing, and if it ends on a bad note, I can at least say I tried, right?
I won't be able to see him till Thursday though. I had to walk home today and I saw him driving. I texted him saying "Hey, How was your day?" and he said "Good. Yours?" and I said, "Fine until i found out I had to walk home." and he asked where I lived, so I told him thinking maybe he would give me a ride, but he didn't. I saw my mom so she picked me up and then when I got in the car, he called and asked if I got a ride. I was like your a little late!!!
He totally could have asked me out today, but I just had to see my mom. :(

Anyways, we haven't really talked that much, which is kinda lame.
I have to go.

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