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Jenkins coulda killed me!
Tuesday, Mar. 03, 2009 9:08 PM

It's been a couple of days since my last entry, so let's catch up, no? My parents left to Vegas over the weekend so I was pretty much home alone. Jake wanted to get together on Friday, and I was going to go, but then he said he couldn't. I'm really starting to think he is just stringing me along. If he really wanted to go out with me, he would've been trying harder. He does have two jobs however, so I can kind of see it. We were talking on Saturday and that is when I finally got the courage to tell him that I don't want to sing with him and he got extremely sad. What was I supposed to do though? Other than that, we haven't really talked that much. He's always at work, so he can't text that much.
Things are getting better with Brittany. We are talking anyway. Still not back to where it used to be.
It was pretty funny today during lunch. I was talking to my friends and I was like, "Some jack ass almost hit me yesterday!" and then Jenkins was like, "Hey, I stopped! You were the one that was driving 60 miles an hour in the parking lot!" and I said, "NO! I was driving like 10 and you stopped and motioned me to go so I went!" and then he was like, "All I saw was you driving like a maniac around the corner and I stopped because it didn't look like you were stopping!" and then I said, "I stopped! Maybe if you were paying attention you would've noticed!" and then my friends were all like, "What the hell? Are you guys serious? We thought you were making that up!" and I was like, "Oh no, this happened yesterday and killed me! I mean...almost killed me!" and then Jenkins was like, "Yeah, if I killed you we would be talking through a casket!" and I was like, "GOOD!" and then I realized how that didn't make any sense. Lol. What really happened yesterday was I was driving out of the staff parking lot, and there is a little area where Jenkins and his wife were pulling out, and he didn't look over towards me, so I stopped. Then he stopped, looked over at me, and motioned for me to go, so I went, and then I went to go make a right turn onto the street, so I didn't stop completely like you're supposed to... lol. But still. Lol. He coulda killed me. Haha.
Jake just texted me. He got off of work early I guess. We are hardly talking about anything anymore. :(
Vanesa said that I shouldn't go out with him because it's taken him so long to ask me out, that he obviously isn't that serious about it. She was the first person I told about this whole thing and at first, she was so excited. It's all too confusing.
Hah. Later.

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