Welcome To Insanity.

I'll swim the ocean for you.
Saturday, Apr. 04, 2009 10:55 PM

So Jake came over after he got off of work and we just walked around the block once because he had to go home. It was at 8 PM so it was dark outside. We just talked about random things and held hands. Then when we were about five houses away from mine, we stopped and then made out and then he walked me home and then left.
A couple of days ago he sent me a message that said "I honestly enjoy everything about you." Awww. LOL.
My parents and me went to Chipotle for dinner tonight and it wasn't that great.
Erica is gone for the weekend with her friend and her family. goooood. LOL. I have to feed there dogs every day though so I drive over there and feed the dogs.
They payed me ten for gas and said I'll get the other ten when they get back so they can make sure that I didn't kill there dogs. Hah.
I went over there this morning, and their dogs where in the back yard, so I filled their food bowls up, and then went outside to give them each a treat, but I only saw one of them. I didn't freak out because I saw both dogs two minutes before, but I'm just going to make sure tomorrow that they are both there.

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