Welcome To Insanity.

Tuesday, Apr. 07, 2009 5:44 PM

I think he still likes his ex-girlfriend.
He texts her, a lot.
When asked on a myspace bulletin who he would go to if he had a problem, he put her name down.
He didn't tell me that he went to my high school' morp dance.
He didn't tell me about the weekend he got high with a bunch of his friends in the back of his truck.
A couple months back he was asked why did you break up with your last girl friend and he put "Because she deserves better."
She is prettier and skinnier than me.
The one thing that I have the she doesn't have is personality. She is very quite and keeps to herself.
I want to ask him, but I don't want to do it so close to me leaving to Canada.
All I know is that while I'm in Canada, with no phone or means of communication towards him, I'm secretly going to die a little on the inside.
He has always had me, and know when I finally get him, she has to have him too?
I really, really want to talk to him.
But what I want most is for me to stop over thinking everything.

Fuck me sideways.

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