Welcome To Insanity.

If It Means A Lot To You.
Wednesday, Apr. 22, 2009 7:44 PM

The last couple of days have been good.
Monday, I hung out with Brittany after school, I found out she was gay. No surprise there, really. Then we had to go to the store to get some paper, and Jake was working, so when we were at the self check out, he came over and we talked a little bit, but I was with Brittany, so I didn't want to be rude. He kissed me goodbye, and then we left. It was nice to see him since I haven't seen him for like 2 weeks.
School has been starting late since Tuesday because of the CST testing. I love it. It gives me so much extra time in the morning.
Except the lunch schedule is all screwed up and there are quiet a few classes I have that don't deserve to have two hours. Like geometry and health. I love having two hours of U.S. History and Spanish. We watched like 3 episodes of South Park yesterday in Spanish. Funny shit.
I want to see Jake, a lot. One little kiss on the lips isn't enough for me. Lol.
I'm tired, so tired. I slept like 9 hours last night, and slept in Health Class, AND came home and took a two hour nap.
I hate this.

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