Welcome To Insanity.

I really do.
Saturday, May. 16, 2009 5:34 PM

My life has been far too uneventful for me.
Nothing has happened, AT ALL!
Although, on the 13th, it was like two months since Jake asked me out, and he brought me flowers again. :) The only fun thing that really happened, was the baseball game on Thursday. At first I was all mad because Jake bailed out on me, once again, but then things got better when I said I wish I had money so I could drive down to AMPM and get something to drink. Celeste said she had money and so her, Vanesa, Monica, some girl I don't know, and me piled into my car and headed to AMPM in the middle of the game. When we pulled out of the student parking lot, some jack ass almost hit me, and then when we were pulling into the AMPM parking lot, this impatient little ass hole decided he couldn't wait for me to pull into a space and practically ram me if I didn't stop. Then, after AMPM, I pulled into the staff parking lot because it was closer to the baseball field and ran over a curb. The girl that I didn't know was like, "Do you even have your license?" I was like, "hahaha, yeah." and then Celeste said, "Can you get a ticket for running over a curb?" and when she said that, we saw a cop laughing in his car driving by. How convenient. Hah.
The rest of the game was fun after that because we started screaming and getting into the game. These stupid bitches that were on the softball team from the other school sat in front of us and tried to scream louder and all this stupid shit, but we totally were louder, AND, our team won. Of course.
The next day, this girl in my English class who nobody likes, Elizabeth, was like, "Danielle, wasn't that one guy in the blue shirt really annoying?" and I replied, "Kinda like you?" and then she just walked away. While talking to my English teacher, I was like, "Mrs. La Rock, I'm nice and honest." joking around, and Elizabeth was like, "I'd like to change that statement!" and I ignored her. Then while I was telling my friend Rebekah about the softball girls that were screaming things you couldn't understand, Elizabeth interrupted by saying, "Do you even understand baseball?" and I was like, "Yes I understand baseball." and then she said, "Well obviously you don't, because then you would know why those girls were doing that." and I ignored her again. I fucking understand baseball you little bitch. I'm the one who was explaining the damn game to my friends! She fucking pissed me off, and then in my class after that I realized that I should've said, "Yes I understand baseball, do you understand how to shut up and mind your own business?" I hate when I figure out something to say when the conversation is over. I hate her. I really do, like everyone else in the class who hates her.

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