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One Oh! You know!
Friday, Jun. 05, 2009 9:10 PM

We didn't hang out today. He wanted to go to lunch, but I didn't have money so I said no. Hah.

My English teacher brought ice cream for us to eat during lunch and she left to go get it in a different building. Most of the students left and I sat down at her computer. She had the grades up, so me, being the sneaky little girl I am, changed them. Everyone who was in the class room at that time basically got their grade up a good ten percent. I didn't even change mine because I already had a 99%. We had two look outs at the two doors and managed to do it with out getting caught. Poor little naive English teacher. The ice cream was good though. :)

There was a huge food fight at lunch today. The principal ended up ringing the bell earlier so that we would get to class, but none of us went. They called the cops and said if we weren't in class in 5 minutes that we would have to deal with them. Buzz Kill. Hah.

I got a 79% on my Chemistry final! I was so stoked. I had an 82% in the class, so I'm hoping it will stay around there. I couldn't work my computer skills magic and change my grade in that class! Lol.

I ended up finding out that changing grades, is in fact, illegal. Oops. Haha. Oh well. All I did was help a few people avoid summer school. :)

I'm tired of my mother. She's a drunken bitch all the time. And when she isn't drunk, she's suffering from horrible menopausal mood swings. I'm soooo over it. I wanted to go over to Brittany's but she's too drunk to drive me and my dad took my car to work. I hate it.

I'm officially a senior now! Senior class of 2010 sayings:
-One Oh! You know!
-Class of the dimes.
And, well...that's all I've heard. I'm not to fond of the dime one, but I laughed when I heard "One Oh! You know!". That better be on our senior shirts next year instead of the crappy dime shit. Hah.

Summer. I've got nothing planned. This ought to be fun.

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