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It's a guy's car.
Saturday, Aug. 01, 2009 10:02 AM

SO! Soccer practice on Thursday night. I was completely right, it killed me. About 10 minutes in I told myself I was gonna quit. It was an "easy" practice according to our coach. But towards the end, I was like, "this will help me. I will get into shape. Don't quit you faggot." Isn't it amazing how I talk to myself? Hah. Anyways...

Me and Brittany were driving to soccer practice when I saw a familiar truck. It was Jake, driving the other way. He didn't see me though. Lol.

During practice, in between dying and making a fool of myself, I got these huge blisters on my feet. Like they are completely disgusting looking.

Then after practice, Brittany, Jessica, Miranda, and I stayed after and just talked for about a half an hour after practice was supposed to be over.

I got home, and I texted Jake, "Hey. I saw you driving today." and he replied, "Ha? Where at?" I told him the road he was on and he said, "Oh yeah, I was dropping off Logan and Damian at their soccer practice." I flipped out. I practice right across from them and if I had went straight to practice like I was supposed to, I would've seen him. I HATE my timing!

Then Friday, I went back to the college to go turn in all my stuff which I wanted to do on Thursday, but my dad wouldn't let me. So I drove all the way to the college. It was closed, of course. I turn the car on to leave and the gas light came on. I barely made it home. I was pissed. Ha.

So now I have to go back on Monday and do everything that should've already been done. :/

I had a dream last night that I was back in 8th grade and I was pregnant and it was promotion day. Guess who knocked me up? Jake! Of course. Only because in 8th grade, during promotion, I moved people around so that I was able to walk with him. I'm a conniving little girl I am.

I really miss him.

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