Welcome To Insanity.

Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009 9:53 PM

I've had a pretty shitty day all around.

Like, the morning, was okay. I went over to my sister's house and hung out with the family and everything was fine.

Then around 5PM when I was home, my mom said that me and my younger sister need to go pull the weeds out in the garden. So we go out there and then only do half. We said we were going to finish it after my sister's soccer meeting.

So my sister comes home from her soccer meeting and my mom tells me how she has practice the same days as I do, so I have to pick her up after my practices. I got mad because I don't leave right after my practices, I stay after and talk with some people from my team. My mom said it was my "obligation" to pick Erica up. First off, I am NOT her mother, my mom is. Second, I didn't say I was okay with picking her up. I wasn't even asked.

Anyways, my sister and I went back outside and continued to do the weeds-as in I pull the weeds, Erica fucks around with a spider and all the spider webs. Then she pulls like 6 weeds and then goes inside saying she is done. I went inside after her and asked my mom to tell Erica that she isn't done, and needs to finish it with me. My mom doesn't. She get's all pissed off that I won't do it by myself and then she goes out there and starts pulling the weeds herself.

When this was all over with, she yells at me, "I'm gonna call your coach and tell him that you have to leave 15 minutes early. That way you'll have plenty of time to pick up Erica!" I replied, "NO!" then she got all pissed and said, "No, you are leaving at that time!" and I said, "That's stupid of me to leave 15 minutes earlier than everyone else, because I'm the one that needs the most work! Plus, I give Brittany a ride!" then she said whatever.

But now, I can't stay after because I have to go all the way across town in 30 minutes because my mom won't let Erica wait 10-15 minutes for me! Which is stupid because it's not like her practice is on the way home for me, it's past my house, so my mom could totally go and pick her up. But that would mean that my mom couldn't get drunk. Stupid alcoholic mother.

Well, Tuesday Erica is just going to HAVE to wait because after practice I have to stay to get my uniform and all the other junk. Oh well.

You know what else was stupid? The fact that my mom said if I was running late to get Erica, that Brittany would just have to stay with me and go to get Erica and THEN, I could drop her off. It's ridiculous because that is wasting gas because Brittany lives on the opposite side of town, but it's on the way home from my practice.

I will never get what my mother thinks.

I hate how they treat Erica like she is a gift from God. News flash, she isn't. It's more like a gift from the Devil.

It really pisses me off! And I have every damn right to be pissed.

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