Welcome To Insanity.

Very funny.
Monday, Aug. 10, 2009 5:21 PM

I've driven all over this godforsaken town and got little accomplished.

First, I wake up to my alarm clock not going off. Get ready super fast. I left to go to the walk around day for my school. Waited in soooo many lines! But it was fun. Hung out with a few people I haven't seen in ages.

Then, I went to the college and sat through an hour long class-thing. Then went back home only to have to go back to the College and then back to my high school. Couldn't even get what I needed to get done. So no college for me.

Gave Brittany a ride home from school. Prayed to God that I didn't see my dad. I didn't. Ha.

My mom has an interview for a job and if she gets it, everything will fall into place. Pray for her! Ha.

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