Welcome To Insanity.

I forgot that one was there.
Thursday, Oct. 01, 2009 7:59 PM

I don't remember if I mentioned that Jake was extremely mad at me.

Basically, we were talking around a week ago, about how his life wasn't great at the moment, and at the end of one of my replies, I put, "Lol". And he got extremely mad because he said that his life isn't funny. And he said he wasn't as mad as much as he was hurt because I say that I care, but for me to say that, was just wrong. And I apologized, and after that night, I've just kind of left him alone. Until last night.

The night before, I had a dream about him, so all yesterday he was all I could think about. I felt horrible. I missed him so much it hurt. So I texted him. And we talked about how he just needed time to get over what I said, and I told him how I missed him and how I had a dream about him, and how I didn't like to be with out him.

But I told him that I'd give him his time. I'd really try to. And so far, I'm dying.

I have never missed him this much.

I just wish things would go back to the way they were in like April. That was such a great month for us.


I told you about the girl Allison who doesn't like me because I was dating him. I added her on myspace about a month ago, and I finally deleted her last night. I always see her at school with this girl Diane and they are always talking about me. But I could really care less because they aren't my friends, and the reason for not liking me is stupid. And I don't care if they like me or not.


Soccer sucks. So does school. I have a C in ceramics. I can get an "A+" in Chemistry, but come ceramics, oh hell no.

The stupid teacher isn't too fond of me, so that doesn't really help any. But my cup is looking pretty bad ass. Just don't grab it by the handle or it will fall off. Ha! Oh. And Meatloaf was on Ghost Hunters. My mom and I just about had a heart attack! "Hot Patootie! Bless my soul! I really love that rock n roll!"

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