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Just wanna be free,
Friday, Feb. 05, 2010 5:22 PM

The Grammy's were Sunday night. Pretty wonderful, aside from the whole Taylor Swift shpeal. She's never been able to sing live. She's a wonderful songwriter though, I have to give her that much.

No talent show for me this year. There is a soccer tournament in Laughlin that weekend. I've known about it for the last week and I'm still undeniably pissed off about it. I worked extremely hard for it to be good. Plus, it's my last talent show, and it's most likely going to be the last time I would ever sing in front of something other than my mirror or steering wheel. Plus, I really thought it was going to be the thing that finally put what Jake and I had to rest, and he would now that I was no longer going to be a bootycall for him and no longer wished to think about him anymore, even though it was all a lie, and I'd still be a bootycall for him, and I still think about him constantly. But still. Haha.

Soccer is crazy. Our first practice was Tuesday and I really, really sucked, more than usual. Thursday I saw some improvement. Hopefully I won't continue to suck. I've been riding my dad's exercise bike for 20 minutes at night on the days I don't have practice, and when I got home from practice. So that should help. I just don't do it Fridays or Saturdays because that's when my dad is home and he doesn't like me using his stuff. haha.

My government class is seriously great. I love it so much. It's really making me think I want to get into politics as a career.

I've made a plan about my future. I'll do my first year of college at the community college down the road, then transfer to Chico State, and move into an apartment with Amanda. It's going to be wonderful. I just need a job to be able to make all that happen. Ha.

I really need a job. Desperately.

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