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I hit a cement thing. Big deal.
Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2010 10:35 PM

Everything has become so difficult. I mean, I get that I just graduated high school and everything, but I am just not ready to be that adult my parents are expecting me to be.
Do they realize how hard it is to get a job? It's not like I'm not trying. I am. I just need one job, and I could probably stop freaking out.
I went job searching today, and in the parking lot, I hit some cement thing. I cried my eyes out and called my older sister at work. I knew I had to tell my dad because it was extremely noticable.
I drove home and I went into his room but he was still sleeping. Proloning the agony of not knowing my fate I suppose. But when he finally did wake up, I told him. He ran downstairs and saw it. He said, "Good job." You know, like I hit the stupid thing on purpose. I just apologized.
I wish that I was in my car instead of my mom's somewhat new SUV. I wouldn't of even had to tell him because that car is from 1998 and it's not like there isn't a scratch on it. Ha.
But, I honestly did expect my dad to pretty much freak out on me. My mom was actually kind of worse. She was like, "I'm extremely disappointed in you. You knew better. It's not like the cement came out of nowhere." I'm just like, I hit a cement thing, I wasn't smoking pot. She did say however that "accidents are accidents" which was a little bit soothing.
I went to the beach on Monday. Fell asleep on my stomach. Needless to say, my back is burning. But not my shoulders for once! I got smart and put some lovely sun screen on them before I fell asleep.
It's kind of scary you know, this whole, being an adult thing. I'm not even 18 yet.
Dear God, please let me find a job.

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