Welcome To Insanity.

Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011 11:51 AM

It's horrible having a job and still being poor. Now I completely understand those people that are actually poor, like my parents age. Because, I never got that. How people who are as old as my parents could be poor. My parents aren't poor. They were poor, when I was born. We lived in a shack type thing on the beach for the first few months of my life because of the whole being poor thing, but my dad worked his ass off, and here I sit in my huge house, in my own bedroom, on my own laptop, listening to my iTouch in one ear while I hear the rain falling into my pool in the back yard with the other. My parents aren't the like, "let's go squander our money and buy a whole bunch of useless shit" type of people either. My mom hates to shop. My dad is really cheap. That's why we're really great off. But my manger, is working two full time jobs, and can barely afford to pay her rent and all her kids stuff. It broke my heart her telling me her story. My older sister is poor. She's 28 and still living with my grandmother who is now also poor. But my sister was just stupid. She did drugs, and got pregnant. And now she's married to her baby daddy who doesn't do anything but sit around the apartment that my mom has to pay for because none of them have jobs.
I had a sheltered childhood from being poor because I never remembered the shack, I've only seen pictures. The first house I remember was the four bedroom house that continues to remain one of my favorite houses we've lived in. I've always thought vacations were just the normal thing to do in America, not realizing that almost everyone around me, has never been on a vacation, while I've been on multiple ones a year.
My father has given me more than I could ever imagine. Aside from an extremely stable childhood by living in the same house for the last 13 years, he's taught me a lot that I don't even think he realizes it. Him and my mom both realize that my sister and I aren't as spoiled as our friends. We're completely grounded because our parents weren't afraid to say no even though they could've said yes to save them an argument.
After getting a job and having to live off of such a little pay check every two weeks, it really made me think about everything. My friend has ajob and her parents still pay for everything, and it really bothered me because all she did was complain about how unfair her parents were. I'm just sitting there thinking to myself, yeah, they're unfair because you're going to be screwed when it comes time for you to get your own life. Her older brother still lives with them and he's almost 30.
I dunno. I just felt like rambling I guess.
Time to go to the gym. I lost 6 pounds. :)

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