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Falling in love with your professor is no easy task.
Wednesday, May. 04, 2011 9:29 PM

Confession time:
I'm in love with my professor.
NUMBER ONE. It's completely legal. I'm 18, and he's not even aware of this infatuation ANYWAYS.
NUMBER TWO. This happens to be the same teacher that I so hated in the beginning. The one who thinks he knows everything and the one who tried telling me I was wrong. The one who inadvertently said that my dad is, "overpaid and does not do his job." blah blah. For that I HATED HIM.
But then lately, I was like hmmmm.
And then last week during class I was like, I FREAKING LOVE YOU. For some reason.
Then THIS MORNING, I freaking fantasized the crap out of this whole thing because I had a dream about him last night.
It's all insane. I'm really going insane.
I've always been attracted to older celebrities but never really old men in real life.
When I say old, I don't mean THAT old. Like, he's probably younger than my parents. I know he's divorced, but he has a ring on his finger, so I don't know what that's about. He also has a son, but he really isn't THAT OLD.
It's weird though, because he's not really that attractive, you know? Like he shaves his head. I'VE NEVER EVEN LIKED BALD MEN. Like, where the hell did this come from?

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