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Saturday, Jul. 21, 2012 6:56 PM

My parents have always kind of made it a point to not spoil us. We don't always get what we want, and we generally have to work hard to get the things we do get. That being said, my parents have provided us with more than others and I will always be thankful for it.
I brought that up to bring this up-if there was one thing we were completely spoiled on, it's vacations and hotel rooms. I cannot remember a time ever where we've stayed in a crappy hotel/motel. It's a common joke in my family that once my sister and I marry our eventual husbands, they're going to have to take a course on proper hotels.
My father's birthday is a week before mine and my parents usually go to Vegas with friends leaving my sister and I behind. This has gone on for as long as I can remember and it's just the way things go.
Until this year. My dad decided he wanted to go to Lake Havasu instead of Vegas and what's more-he's invited my sister and I!
Hopefully I can get the time off work because I really do want to go.
They're going to Vegas for Christmas this year and I can't attend because my boss doesn't allow anyone to take time off in December. Plus, my older sister is due around that time and someone needs to be here for her.
Anyways, I guess this was a pretty pointless entry, but I just want it said that I do want this to happen.

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