Welcome To Insanity.

Books are the best reality.
Friday, Aug. 03, 2012 7:48 PM

I know I have depression, but there's not a thing I can do about it except stop being depressed. Easier said than done.
I just continually hope that my future isn't as shitty as my present, which happens to be shittier than my past. When can things just be good for once? That's all I'm asking. Obviously a bit too much, but it's still what I crave.
I want happiness. I want humor. I want love. I want to be loved. I want to be needed.
At this point, I'm just disposable which is why I alienate myself from everyone else.
It's why I'm always in my room if I'm not at work or class. I find ways out of hanging out with my "friends" and I'm pretty sure that's not normal.
Last year on my birthday, I ditched my math class and went to Barnes and Noble by myself and it was probably the best birthday I've ever had.
I feed of solitude, but crave companionship. I live in books because they're so much better than my reality.
I just want to be fixed.

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