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Back to school, y'all.
Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2012 9:24 PM

My classes started Monday and it has been pretty eventful.
I'm a commuter now, which after the first day I was just utterly done with.
My first class was Anthropology 102. The reasons I took this class are twofold: One, the professor is my favorite that I've had at this college, and two, after my experiences with 101, I found Anthropology to be really interesting.
This, I found to be rather odd because up until January of this year when I started, 101, I had no idea what Anthropology was. I know have the definition memorized as, "The comparative and relativistic study of extinct and extant humans and their cultures."
I should get points for still knowing that after last term.
101 was a shit ton of memorizing and I was really proud of myself with the vigor I went forth with to memorize all the fastidious little details. Definitions weren't even the usual, vague, 'I know what the word is, it's just hard to explain' type deal. I memorized them word for word, as seen from the aforementioned definition of Anthropology.
I'm worried that this class will not hold up to my unrealistic vision. 101 was the more biological type study which was my forte. This Cultural class is just that-cultures. I hate people, so the last thing I really want to do is learn about people who are different than I am.
No-I'm lying. I'd be rather ignorant if I believed that I was somehow superior to others in my ways. I actually do find this stuff rather interesting.
Unfortunately, the current love of my life, is not in that class. HOWEVER, he is the tutor, so I foresee some "difficulties in learning" which will result in me needing to be tutored.
Put the STUD in study.
After this class, I find myself driving for 40 minutes to the other campus to go to my "Drugs: Use and Abuse" class.
This class so far, after one meeting, seems to be an entire folly. My professor spent a good 70% of class talking about how the entire education system has gone to shit and how we're horrible students and how she's just so great and has seven thousand degrees. I spent the entire class period giving her the, "mother fucker, if you don't shut up I will physically hurt you," look but she didn't get the hint.
She hit a really high spot when she said, "History is fun to learn, but you don't actually need to know it."
I shit you not. As a history major, this fried my beans. I lost all sense of any respect I had left for this woman. History is all need-to-know. If you don't learn your history, you are doomed to repeat it! Unfortunately, history has shown us that some people will repeat history over and over again regardless of knowing it, but it still should be known.
Hegel's Paradox: Man learns from history that man learns nothing from history.
There you go. She was a dumb mother fucker, and I say that with the highest respect for a teacher.
I then have to travel back those 40 minutes to the original campus for my history 112 class, which is basically American history from the Civil War on. I am in love with this class and the teacher. Although on the first day of lecture, he did tell me to stop answering the questions, but I am use to teachers telling me to shut up and let others answer. Wish I wasn't such a know-it-all, but hey.
Then today, I has Political Science 102, which is a class I'm going to drop if I do indeed get into my English class. This class does seem interesting however as it is comparative politics between the US, UK, Russia, China, and Iran. As a possible double major in Poly Sci and History, I really should take this class regardless of getting into my English class, but I'll just take it at University when I transfer. The professor seems rather nice and well-intentioned.
After this class, I once again make my 40 minute trek out to the other campus for my Theater 101 class. Now, I'm not a theater major, but I wish I was. There is just no way, however, that my dad would continue to pay for my education to get a degree in what he often refers to as, "underwater basket weaving." I've taken multiple theater courses and I DO love theater. I wish I was in productions, and I wish I could teach theater. I'm hoping that I'll be able to convince my father that I can double major in History and Theater and then when I go to teach high school and can be the History and theater teacher.
A girl can dream, can't she.
I'm going to talk with my theater professor to see what he says about it because I mentioned that I wanted to be a theater major.
After this class, I return to the original campus for the English class that I'm crashing. I'm next in line to get in so I just have to wait for one person to drop, but my odds look pretty good-although I don't want to jinx it. My professor for this class looks exactly like my older sister. Not even similar-but like a facsimile of her. I almost died.
Speaking of my older sister, she is pregnant again with another boy. Due around Christmas/New Years.
I turn twenty in ten days. Here's your friendly reminder that I've accomplished nothing.

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