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I used a hastag. Dear Lord.
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012 10:23 AM

At work, they've been training me to work stock instead of being a cashier, and it's lovely, and everything I've ever wanted-except it's stressful. Every job is stressful. I mean, I'd rather work stock because I don't deal with customers, but I have to work so fast and it's a lot of work.
I can never win.
I've been questioning more and more each day about my choice to further my education and whether or not it's going to be worth it in the long run.
Teachers don't make shit. I can only really be better off if I invest and stuff like that, which thankfully, my dad's really good at that kind of stuff.
I don't know. Maybe I should have just majored in Chemistry like I had planned instead of taking the easy way out and majoring in History/Political Science/Theatre/Economics. All the easy degrees, YA KNOW.
Seriously though, I'm looking at getting four associate degrees, which may seem impressive, but all they really are is the same thing with one or two more classes. Plus, THEY'RE ALL AA's. Not a single AS. I don't even know why I'm always unhappy with my choices.
I CHOSE History and all those other little options because they're interesting, but how the hell am I even going to get a job when they're laying of teachers left and right?
I should have sucked it up and went to Chem. I SHOULD HAVE, because I'd basically have a guaranteed job and I'd make more money than possible. Maybe it's not too late to switch.
Or do both.
Maybe I'll just stay in college for ever and just keep learning but never actually have a career or use my degrees in any shape or form.

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