Welcome To Insanity.

Be done with it.
Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 7:59 PM

I'm sometimes able to forget just how broken I am.
On Thursday I saw that Anthropology boy before class and he saw me, and waved, and I had planned on just walking on by, but he talked to me. I just want to marry him. Really. Or fuck him. Maybe both, but either way, I want him.
I'm supposed to go to a Halloween party that my theatre club is putting on, but I'm so poor that I'm just going to make a shirt that says, "life" on it and pick lemons from my tree and hand them out. We'll see how that actually goes down.
I've been working and going to school.
I found out that it's going to take me EVEN LONGER to become a fucking teacher than I had planned because no effing college I can go to offers both a bachelor's and the teaching credential at the same effing time. I have to finish bachelor's and then start the cred. I'm utterly irritated.
I actually began crying over this news because I'm going to be living at home for fucking ever.
I just want to cuddle with Anthro-boy and be done with it.

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