Welcome To Insanity.

ya heard.
Friday, Nov. 09, 2012 5:33 PM

I'm sorry that I definitely suck as a human.
In other news, it's getting a wee bit colder, which means it like 70 degrees. SOCALORNOCAL.
I'm totally kidding.
I really fucking hate the weather here.
I had a dream last night that Anthro-boy loved me and all was well.
until I woke up late from my alarm clock not ever going off and going to work.
Almost passed out, AGAIN.
I've finally figures this shit happens when I'm on my period and not on birth control.
So there you go.
Off to planned parenthood I go.
ALSO, thanks Obama, for getting reelected and allowing me to have something to rub in my dad's face.

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