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Saturday, Dec. 01, 2012 4:50 PM

I sometimes forget how truly bad I am at procrastinating. I have so much shit due Monday, and I had all Friday off to do it. I wrote one damn paragraph for one of my essays. And now, I work every day till Monday so I am going to be too exhausted to even bother.
How is my GPA still so damn high? I have a feeling after transferring to UCR/CSUSM(which ever accepts me) my grades are going to drop considerably.
It's just a feeling though.
I sometimes wish that I was a more capable person, but I just don't see that happening in the near future. Really though.
And I know it's a fucking cliche, but I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around the fact that it's fucking DECEMBER. Where the hell did 2012 go?
I did register for my last semester ever at this godforsaken community college I've been slowly dying at for the last three years.
I'm only taking two classes which will be a nice chance from the five that usually fill up my schedule. I really only needed my English class, but I took Sociology 101 because of that professor I have a crush on.
I know it's dumb, but it's my last semester and it's really not like anything will come of it.
I've finally gotten more hours at work but with finals coming up, I'm not too sure it's a grand idea.
More money though, which is always a good thing I suppose.
I'm not really close to being done with Christmas shopping.
I got my mother what she asked for today, but I still want to get her more stuff because a vanity mirror is just boring.
I've gotten both my sisters random things that I usually just keep adding to as I browse through stores and whatnot.
I know what I want to get my dad, but we'll see if that actually turns out.
My nephew isn't even close to being finished. I've only got him a jacket and a lunch pail. I want to get him some more toys.
I'm trying desperately to make sure he isn't feeling left out or anything because my sister is due any minute now, and I know how shitty it is to have younger siblings.
We'll see how well Aunty can stop him from hating his life because the new child is so fantastic and great and all that jazz.
Not that I'll dislike this new one coming along. I just sympathize with the current only one.
I should probably stop spending money on as much fast food as I do, but when I'm gone the entire day through lunch, I need something to tide me over and I can't pack a lunch because it'd be stuck in my car all damn day.
Oh well.

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