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Lowly Jew.
Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012 5:17 PM

I don't even know what's going on at this point.
My parents and sister left for Vegas yesterday, and because I couldn't get the time off work, I was going to stay home, but then my dad and I decided to surprise my mom and have me show up, so my flight is for tomorrow, and then I'd fly back the day after Christmas.
I asked my boss for the two days I'd need and he said that'd be fine.
So everything was hunky dorey until yesterday.
My boss had be scheduled for tomorrow to not get off until 5:30 but my flight is at 4:05, so I said I could switch with the morning person, but then he got all pissy and said that I could forget it and that he'll find someone to fill in for me.
Also, he didn't fucking schedule me for the rest of the fucking week-which means instead of flying back early, I could have stayed the rest of the time with my fucking family.
And then, my older sister is about ready to give birth, and I completely forgot that while my mom was gone, that I'd be the one to take care of my grandma while my sister was in the hospital.
Well, if she goes into labor while I'm gone, she said she's going to have to forgo the epidural because she needs to get back home and take care of my grandmother because no one else can.
So she's really pissed at me and it's too late to get a nurse to come in because of the holiday and that's all my fault because I didn't want to tell her because she can't keep fucking secrets.
Unless she goes into labor between now and the time I leave, I'll still be able to go to Vegas, hopefully. I don't want to jinx it.
And now my dad texted me saying to not make any plans for next year's new years because he booked Vegas instead of for Christmas, but he didn't realize that I will no way in hell be able to get the time off-especially new years.
It was an extremely nice thought seeing as I'd be 21 so I'd actually be able to go out and have fun, but it's still depressing that I can't ever fucking do anything because my boss is a nazi and I am a lowly Jew.

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