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Hookah and Vomit
Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013 7:37 AM

So my parents went and stayed the night at one of their friends' house last night.
Usually, because I'm such a fucking loser, I just stay at home because I always have to wake up godforsakenly early the next day to go to work, but looky here, I had Sunday off.
So one of my friends was tweeting about being bored and my sister had this boy coming over, so I invited her over and we just chatted and what not, but then we decided to go to a hookah bar-I'd never been.
I guess I've just never been presented with the opportunity to go, and plus, in my health class, my teacher basically said you'll get herpes and blah blah blah.
Me being the hypochondriac that I am, was like, OH. I'll never do that, but then I did.
I didn't really like it.
I'm not much of a smoker. I can handle secondhand cigarette smoke, that usually doesn't bother me unless I'm having horrible allergies and then I want to punch anyone who comes within a mile of me smelling like smoke. But I'd never smelled hookah smoke before. It was different, and I could deal with it, but it was still a bit much.
And of course, the actual smoking part was easier than I expected. We tried Blue Mist and it tasted fine, except for after a while it got really rough to smoke.
We ended up leaving around 9:30 just because we were just sitting there and not really talking or having fun because it was just us two and we normally don't hang out.
I texted Jake while we were there for some godforsaken reason and I regret it because he was at a party so he was super drunk, which meant he texted me like 6 times after I stopped texting him back, so I'll get a load of shit sometime in the near future about why I never text back.
He asked why I refused to hook up with him in two of those texts, and I haven't bothered to give him a reason.
Anway, I went home after dropping my friend off and getting some In N Out because I wanted the taste of smoke out of my mouth. My sister said she was going to one of our neighbors' house for a bit and I just said be home by midnight-which is what I usually do when our parents are gone. We're real fucking cool.
Anyway, she comes home around 11:30, and I was sleeping in my parents room because their bed is so much bigger and more comfortable. I went to sleep and then around 12:30, I wake up because I heard the toilet lid slam open followed by the sound of my sister vomiting her brains out.
So, I get out of bed, beyond pissed because I'd been up since 4am the morning before and I was exhausted. I go into the bathroom and she was so drunk she missed the toilet. There was vomit in our bath tub, all over the toilet and the floor. This pissed me off. I grabbed a wet washcloth and threw it over the back of her neck and let her fucking have it. I began yelling at her saying if she thought she was real fucking cool and how she needs to know when to stop and there's a fucking reason it's not legal for her to drink alcohol yet because she's clearly to young and dumb to handle it. I acted like a real fucking prude because of course I drank alcohol at her age, but I couldn't have any apathy for her because I'm really good about drinking alcohol. I've never ended the night with my head in my own vomit because I know my limits and I don't try as hard for others to like me as much as she does.
I continued yelling at her and she said she only had two drinks, but it's fucking clear that two drinks does not make you THAT drunk to where you miss the fucking toilet.
I made her clean it up right then and there after she finished evacuating the contents of her stomach because it's my bathroom too and I'm not going to sit there and have it smell like vomit all night to have her clean it up the next day.
I was just so livid with her because I was so exhausted and my parents weren't there to deal with it.
Like, we don't have a great relationship so I don't like dealing with things of that nature. I'm not her parent. I'm not her best friend. It's not my responsibility.
I don't know. I still ended up waking up at 7am because I've lost my ability to sleep in since I started working 6am shifts at work.
She says she's gonna tell my mom what happened when she gets back, but we'll see.

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