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Hopefully This Works Out
Monday, Jun. 17, 2013 2:01 PM

Okay, so we went to that debt-collector place and honestly it's everything I want in a job, minus the fact that it's commission. I would have turned in my two week notice right now if it was base pay, but it isn't.
However, my coworker and I are going to keep going this week after we get off work and everything so that he sees that we're really serious about this job, and hopefully we can start off on base-pay.
He said the only reason he does that is because he doesn't want people to slack off, but hopefully we can prove to him that we wouldn't. At least I wouldn't.
The whole plus side to it is that you're supposed to be bitchy which is my goddamn forte.
After having to put up with so much shit from rude ass customers I want nothing more than the ability to be rude as fuck.

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