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In Search of Scotland.
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013 9:12 PM

I suppose it's time I updated.
So my first quarter at big girl school is nearing its end and I've done ridiculously horribly.
I'm looking at B's for all three classes, which is disheartening, especially considering one class is Slavery and the Old South.
I've been really letting myself down but I haven't done anything to actively lift myself back up. I guess it's one of those things that I'll either change or just live with.
But at this point, I'm hanging by a thread.
I started work at my mom's work and I like being back on an hourly pay rather than commission, but it is much more stressful. I'm constantly doing this one thing wrong because it's practically impossible to comprehend and that's unfortunate.
In other news, I've put off moving out of my parents house for another 6 years because I bought a new car.
My piece of shit, dependable old one finally started taking a shit and it got to the point where I needed a car more than I needed to move out. What good would moving out do if I didn't have a car to get there? My dad cosigned, but the dealership still gave us an outrageously high interest rate even though his credit score is above excellent, so on Saturday my father and I are going to the NFCU to refinance at a lower and shorter rate.
Hopefully everything works out there.
My younger sister and mine's relationship is still as horrible as ever, except now she has a job and since I'm always gone and I never see her anymore.
She has a boyfriend, and I had the misfortune of hearing her have sex with him, to which I pointed out that she needed to not be so fucking rude and remember there are other people living in this fucking house.
She's accomplishing nothing in life other than probably becoming pregnant because she's not on birth control and my parents just let her do whatever she likes, but that's not my responsibility.
It's still extremely aggravating.
She's been extremely rude lately and after talking with one of her friends, it's apparently because she's jealous of me.
Understandable, to some extent.
I am going to school and working, but going to school to better myself and not have to make minimum wage. Her plan is to become a manager of the fast food restaurant where she works. She reaches high.
But her things is that she tries to make herself look better by making me look bad and that's the most annoying thing to deal with.
She can do whatever she likes though, because my parents named me as their sole beneficiary which means they trust me most in the event that something were to happen, hopefully it won't, knock on wood.
I'll just never understand how we turned out so differently even though we were raised by the same people.
Same rant for years, I suppose.
I'm just ready to move to Scotland, so if you're in Scotland and have some extra room, let me know.

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