Welcome To Insanity.

Sunday, Apr. 13, 2014 9:25 PM

I just found my old myspace so I had a major blast from the past that coincided with some major procrastination on my part at the moment so I figured let's keep it up.

I really cannot be arsed to do any of my reading right at the moment even though I really fucking should. LIKE FUCKING REALLY. I am so far behind. But anyways. On to the myspace blast from the past.

Seriously. The fucking pictures I just came across I didn't even remember until I saw them and then also remembered like a lot of shit and fucking stories from them.

Like one picture was from my friend Vanesa's birthday party senior year, and I forgot I went dressed to school and her party as a pregnant teenager with a beanie that said, "juno" at the top. I got that beanie from my old best friend's boyfriend who worked at Blockbuster senior year and new I fucking loved that movie. Because of his job at Blockbuster, I also got this bitching fucking poster of TRHPS that's framed and I fucking love that one as well.
Anyway, back to the party. I completely forgot about it until I saw that picture and it reminded me of how my costume was so damn believable that her mom even thought I really was pregnant and that her aunt was like, "Wow should she be jumping in that jolly jump that prengant?" LIKE people genuinely were like, oh hey pregnant teenager. Also want to take this time to commend her family as there was no negativity towards a pregnant teenager.
But also at that party, one of our other friends was super late and then she shows up in the skankiest fucking costume and we were all so proud of her because this girl went to school EVERYDAY wearing a fucking sweatshirt even in the summer where it was over 100 degrees.

I also came across the pictures from that horrible night where I had sex with Jake, which was whatever. I had nearly forgotten about that.

There were also pictures from when I was skinny in Sacramento. I think that should be the name of my memoirs if they're ever published. "Skinny in Sacramento."

Anyways. Since I've mentioned the Rocky Horror Picture Show, I should probably mention that I had one of the best nights ever and went and saw it in theaters a few weekends ago and it was everything I had hoped it would be. I've been in love with that movie since I was fucking 10 even though I had no real idea what the fuck was going on, but it's always been one of my favorites. Probably due to the fact that my mother would regale me with tales of her theater experiences.

I finally had my own, and although I didn't dress up, it was still fucking amazing and I can't wait until it comes back in October.

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