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Last entry from my childhood room
Friday, Jul. 24, 2015 10:42 PM

Wow. So much has happened in the 6 days since my last entry.
To start with, tonight I'm in my childhood bedroom for the last time. I'm moving myself 7 hours away tomorrow and I'm equal parts excited and terrified.
I'm starting an 11 month period of service/internship up in northern California and although the pay is shit, there are career opportunities and it's a step in the right direction.

They called me Monday to ask if I could be there by this coming Monday and my family have put so much effort into getting me there on time.

My sister and I swapped cars so that she could take on my car payment since hers is paid off.

My dad bought me AAA roadside assistance and is taking over my car insurance payment.

My mom has given me everything I could ever need and has paid for my oil change and to fix something that was wrong with it.

It's incredible to know that they believe in me so much and what I am doing that they all willingly gave me their time and money in my pursuit of a better future.

I'll try to document these next 11 months of complete change and growth.

I'm still slightly worried because I don't have a secure housing situation, I'm just going to be crashing on a fellow member's air mattress for awhile till I get everything settled.

Saying goodbye to my nephews earlier today was the hardest thing because I'm terrified that my youngest will forget me and that I won't be there when my oldest needs me.

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